

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scared To Death!!!

Hi, guys. Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. So, to wrap up this month's theme, I watched yet another scary movie.
The movie I watched today was called Scared To Death. It is a horror film from the year 1947.
Some General Info:
Director: Christy Cabanne
Starring: Bela Lugosi, George Zucco, Mat Pendelton, Molly Lamont, and Angelo Rossitto (Angelo grew up in the same neighborhood as my Grandpa!)
Now here are my thoughts and summary of the movie:
Plot: The movie started out in a morgue. Then in the Autopsy room a woman lies dead on the exam table. She shows no signs of being killed, and she
she did not die of natural causes. Then then they dive into the first of a long string of flashbacks. It is narrated by the dead woman.
She is being held captive in a house, with people who keep trying to scare her. Then we go back to the morgue so she can say a few words
to keep the story going, and another flashback! And, a few times, things got pretty crazy when they had flashbacks during a flashback! ( I notice a reoccurring theme
here, don't you?) Well, after numerous scares, she gets scared to death.
My Thoughts: First of all, I would definantly NOT recommend you watch this movie. I found that numerous times
throughout the movie, I was saying to myself When will this be over? With non-essential plot twists added into the mix,
you may very well fall asleep. The movie kept me confused the entire time because about every fifteen minutes they introduced
another new character or two. This made it very hard to follow the story. That is one of the reasons that my plot description
is small and I don't explain a lot. Because I don't know what to explain!
Clothes!!: Well, I have absolutely no doubts that this movie was made in the 40's. The fashion was very... interesting.
I think they may have spent too much money on costuming, though. They could have cut back on that budget and improved the quality
of the actual movie. I noticed that almost every character was wearing a hat at some point during the movie. Even indoors! But all in all
I liked the clothes they wore.
I wish I had more to share with you guys, but that's all. Hopefully if I ever do a movie critique again
I can find a better movie that I can share more information on. Have a nice weekend, everybody!


  1. Sorry about how some words get cut off at the ends of lines and continue on the next line! There were issues with the document when I was typing it.

  2. I thought it was a decent movie. Anytime Bela Lugosi is in a film it is worth watching. I love these old films. Even though the movie was only 68 minutes in length, it did seem like a longer film because of the lack of focus. All in all, I do agree with Hannah's summary.

  3. Thanks for the review, I will be sure never to watch"scared to death"
