

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Favorite Ghost Movies.

In spirit of this month's topic I though I would write about my all-time favorite stupid ghost movies. Haven't we all seen at least one ghost movie from the 50's or 60's? My dad has thousands of these types of movies, and I must say they are a great way to waste time. :) Here is a list of a few I've seen the past few years:
  • House on Haunted Hill. I am not sure if they remade this movie recently to make it a lot scarier, but the original version is ridiculous. The acting was pretty good, but all of the ghost who are supposed to 'float' around looked they were traveling on roller skates. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they really did. You never saw their feet.
  • Attack of the Giant Leeches. This is one of the most pointless movies of all time. (what did I say? Time wasters!) The plot goes that a small town on a marsh or swamp is in shambles as more and more people mysteriously disappear when they go to the swamp. Well, of course they hunky, young male needs to take charge! So he takes his girlfriend down to the swamp and they get into a boat and explore. They then come into contact with the leeches. I'm not quite sure how the movies ends except that the leeches are killed and they get the humans back.
  • The Birds. Who doesn't a good Alfred Hitchcock movie? This was actually a great movie. But the plot was kind of weird. I remember the end of the movie really well. They finally all sneak out of the house that is covered and surrounded by vicious birds. They then make it to the car drive down the road to safety. At the time I wasn't happy with the ending, but now I realize that movie was really long, and it needed to get over somehow.
  • Attack of the 50 foot tall Woman. This was one of the stranger movies I watched. I watched this one a LONG time ago (almost three years, I think) and can't remember too many of the scenes in great detail. But I do remember the 50 foot tall woman going to a bar in the middle of town, and tearing off the roof. All of the men in the bar start screaming and yelling, and generally freaking out. Then she steals one of them. I think it was her ex-boy friend. I wonder who comes up with these movies?
So, now that you know a little bit about a few of the horror movies I've seen, maybe you'll watch them. Not that I'm recommending it. These movies should really be saved for those days when you're snowed in your house and you have nothing to do. Trust Me.

1 comment:

  1. all great films that any fan of the movies can and will enjoy!!!
