

Friday, July 16, 2010

Topic of the Month

I have officially solved the problem of not knowing what to write! I decided that each month I will decide a topic and write about on hopefully a regular basis. This month's topic? Ghosts!!
First of all, this is a very weird topic. I know. But the reason I chose this topic is because I have been freaked out on ghosts lately. Why? Because I watch too much daytime television. It all started one typical Monday afternoon. Josh and I were flipping through channels when we got to the Travel channel. It was a ghost show. It was the top 12 scariest places in America. I must say, it wasn't that bad until they got to the Stanley Hotel. I guess that's the place that inspired the super-scary book "The Shining". I have had had trouble sleeping ever since. I asked my dad about "The Shining" and he said it's the movie/book that had the "HEERREEE"S JOHNNY!" line in it. I told my friends that creeped me out, and they like to Say "HEERE'S JOHNNY!" to freak me out. I don't mind it as much now. I think I am working past my fear. Unfortunantly at a snails pace. Hopefully I will be able to get to sleep at a decent hour by next week. Wish me luck!! :) :)

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