

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scared To Death!!!

Hi, guys. Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. So, to wrap up this month's theme, I watched yet another scary movie.
The movie I watched today was called Scared To Death. It is a horror film from the year 1947.
Some General Info:
Director: Christy Cabanne
Starring: Bela Lugosi, George Zucco, Mat Pendelton, Molly Lamont, and Angelo Rossitto (Angelo grew up in the same neighborhood as my Grandpa!)
Now here are my thoughts and summary of the movie:
Plot: The movie started out in a morgue. Then in the Autopsy room a woman lies dead on the exam table. She shows no signs of being killed, and she
she did not die of natural causes. Then then they dive into the first of a long string of flashbacks. It is narrated by the dead woman.
She is being held captive in a house, with people who keep trying to scare her. Then we go back to the morgue so she can say a few words
to keep the story going, and another flashback! And, a few times, things got pretty crazy when they had flashbacks during a flashback! ( I notice a reoccurring theme
here, don't you?) Well, after numerous scares, she gets scared to death.
My Thoughts: First of all, I would definantly NOT recommend you watch this movie. I found that numerous times
throughout the movie, I was saying to myself When will this be over? With non-essential plot twists added into the mix,
you may very well fall asleep. The movie kept me confused the entire time because about every fifteen minutes they introduced
another new character or two. This made it very hard to follow the story. That is one of the reasons that my plot description
is small and I don't explain a lot. Because I don't know what to explain!
Clothes!!: Well, I have absolutely no doubts that this movie was made in the 40's. The fashion was very... interesting.
I think they may have spent too much money on costuming, though. They could have cut back on that budget and improved the quality
of the actual movie. I noticed that almost every character was wearing a hat at some point during the movie. Even indoors! But all in all
I liked the clothes they wore.
I wish I had more to share with you guys, but that's all. Hopefully if I ever do a movie critique again
I can find a better movie that I can share more information on. Have a nice weekend, everybody!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Brain That Wouldn't Die

Yes, the title of this post is pretty weird. But it's actually a movie I watched today. I thought I would share my critique with you all. The movie was made in the 50's, so watch out!!
I will be critiquing the movie in the following categories:
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Reality Factor
  • Fun to watch
  • Escape Reality
These categories may sound weird, but just read on and they'll hopefully make more sense.

  • Plot: This movie started out in a hospital. A father and son doctor team were preforming surgery. The son doctor likes to play by his own rules, and saves the surgery. After the surgery is over, the son's girlfriend runs into the room congratulating him on a successful surgery. They then hop into the car and rush off to the house in the country side where he and his colleague secretly preform organ and body part transplants. But not successfully. On the way there the son drives extremely recklessly, causing their car to drive off the road and spontaneously com bust. Somehow the girl friend get her head taken off, and her boyfriend saves it and brings it back to his secret lab, where he makes her come back to life, but without the rest of her body! Her boyfriend then goes back into town trying to find her a suitable body. She on the other hand toils away the days in the lab. She befriends the mysterious monster that is locked in the closet and they plot revenge. They manage to kill his colleague and when he comes home with a girl he is going to amputate her head so he can get the body. But the monster escapes! The monster kills the man and saves the woman who was going to lose her head. All in all it was a pretty good movie. I think they didn't have to take so long to introduce some characters. For instance, when they introduced one of the girls he was going to try to get the head of, they showed her being photographed in a swimsuit for about 45 seconds. Not very exciting.
  • Characters: I thought the acting in this movie was great. It starred Herb Evers, Virginia Leith, and Leslie Daniel. They all were great actors who worked very well with each other. I especially like how good the woman who lost her body was. I think she mastered her evil cackle very well.
  • Reality Factor: This category means "How real does it seem"obviously. I think it was very true to the time it was filmed. A great example of this would be people smoking in a Hospital. I don't think that would go over too well nowadays. Also, I thought the costuming was good. I liked the girls' skirts. Not that that matters much :).
  • Fun to Watch: Definently! I thought it was a great film. It was ridiculous at some parts, like all old movies are.But for the most part it was very fun to watch. And like most good movies, you don't want to stop watching it. It was a little bit long,, but besides that, it was amazing.
  • Escape Reality: I thought this movie helped me "escape reality". It me think about something else besides all of the things going on in my life right now. It was a very captivating film.
Now I have a few more notes that I thought I might include. I am pretty upfront about my opinions in these.
  1. I think I could have done without the overly dramatic beginning. (Dark screen, scary music, women screaming, etc.)
  2. BAD special effects. The fire looked silly. I think my favorite that made me laugh the most was the brain they tried to make. It looked like it had been made with a jello mold.
  3. There were also bad stunts.
  4. They ended the movie with the words: The HEAD that wouldn't die. Hey- I thought it was the BRAIN that wouldn't die!! :)
So that's what I thought of this silly horror movie. Youtube it! You may very well find it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Favorite Ghost Movies.

In spirit of this month's topic I though I would write about my all-time favorite stupid ghost movies. Haven't we all seen at least one ghost movie from the 50's or 60's? My dad has thousands of these types of movies, and I must say they are a great way to waste time. :) Here is a list of a few I've seen the past few years:
  • House on Haunted Hill. I am not sure if they remade this movie recently to make it a lot scarier, but the original version is ridiculous. The acting was pretty good, but all of the ghost who are supposed to 'float' around looked they were traveling on roller skates. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they really did. You never saw their feet.
  • Attack of the Giant Leeches. This is one of the most pointless movies of all time. (what did I say? Time wasters!) The plot goes that a small town on a marsh or swamp is in shambles as more and more people mysteriously disappear when they go to the swamp. Well, of course they hunky, young male needs to take charge! So he takes his girlfriend down to the swamp and they get into a boat and explore. They then come into contact with the leeches. I'm not quite sure how the movies ends except that the leeches are killed and they get the humans back.
  • The Birds. Who doesn't a good Alfred Hitchcock movie? This was actually a great movie. But the plot was kind of weird. I remember the end of the movie really well. They finally all sneak out of the house that is covered and surrounded by vicious birds. They then make it to the car drive down the road to safety. At the time I wasn't happy with the ending, but now I realize that movie was really long, and it needed to get over somehow.
  • Attack of the 50 foot tall Woman. This was one of the stranger movies I watched. I watched this one a LONG time ago (almost three years, I think) and can't remember too many of the scenes in great detail. But I do remember the 50 foot tall woman going to a bar in the middle of town, and tearing off the roof. All of the men in the bar start screaming and yelling, and generally freaking out. Then she steals one of them. I think it was her ex-boy friend. I wonder who comes up with these movies?
So, now that you know a little bit about a few of the horror movies I've seen, maybe you'll watch them. Not that I'm recommending it. These movies should really be saved for those days when you're snowed in your house and you have nothing to do. Trust Me.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Topic of the Month

I have officially solved the problem of not knowing what to write! I decided that each month I will decide a topic and write about on hopefully a regular basis. This month's topic? Ghosts!!
First of all, this is a very weird topic. I know. But the reason I chose this topic is because I have been freaked out on ghosts lately. Why? Because I watch too much daytime television. It all started one typical Monday afternoon. Josh and I were flipping through channels when we got to the Travel channel. It was a ghost show. It was the top 12 scariest places in America. I must say, it wasn't that bad until they got to the Stanley Hotel. I guess that's the place that inspired the super-scary book "The Shining". I have had had trouble sleeping ever since. I asked my dad about "The Shining" and he said it's the movie/book that had the "HEERREEE"S JOHNNY!" line in it. I told my friends that creeped me out, and they like to Say "HEERE'S JOHNNY!" to freak me out. I don't mind it as much now. I think I am working past my fear. Unfortunantly at a snails pace. Hopefully I will be able to get to sleep at a decent hour by next week. Wish me luck!! :) :)

This is my first post

Hi blog readers! This is my very first post on my blog. I am very excited. I'm not exactly sure what I should write about. Hmm... how about mosquitoes. They have always been a thorn in my side, and I don't think that we will ever be able to get the mosquito population under control. But I have discovered a product that works extremely well at warding off mosquitoes. It's the Off clip on fan. I thought I looked pretty weird wearing it, but it worked amazingly. I had no mosquito bites for an entire day. I think that is pretty amazing because the day I used it I was at a lake,and that is usually a very mosquito infested area. I am not quite sure what else to type about. Sorry if this was boring. Hopefully my posts will get better as I become a more experienced blogger. :)