

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey you guys! Guess what? This is the first ever post I've made on my own school laptop! Exiting, yes? Well, I am extremely excited. We have been waiting and waiting all summer long. And to make things worse, we were supposed to get them last Thursday, but we didn't get them. They were having issues putting up software. Well, everyone was VERY happy today in homeroom. Everyone was going insane. Talking,yelling, and chatting about what they were going to do with their laptops when they got home from school.
I don't know about everyone else, but I named my laptop. His name is Jeffery. I think that one or two other people may have named theirs too. I think it should be a requirement to name your laptop. It'd make Middle School life much more interesting. Don't you agree? One of my friends named her's Eve. I thought that was a pretty name.
Well, sorry if this wasn't very interesting. I just wanted to share with you all!!
Hannah (:

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