

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey you guys! Guess what? This is the first ever post I've made on my own school laptop! Exiting, yes? Well, I am extremely excited. We have been waiting and waiting all summer long. And to make things worse, we were supposed to get them last Thursday, but we didn't get them. They were having issues putting up software. Well, everyone was VERY happy today in homeroom. Everyone was going insane. Talking,yelling, and chatting about what they were going to do with their laptops when they got home from school.
I don't know about everyone else, but I named my laptop. His name is Jeffery. I think that one or two other people may have named theirs too. I think it should be a requirement to name your laptop. It'd make Middle School life much more interesting. Don't you agree? One of my friends named her's Eve. I thought that was a pretty name.
Well, sorry if this wasn't very interesting. I just wanted to share with you all!!
Hannah (:

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ahhh... as the week goes on school is getting closer and closer. I am pretty much excited. I know some people hate school, but I want to see my friends! Now, for some people, school can be a little nerve-wracking and scary, but don't worry! I have a few helpful hints to help you still be alive when the final bell rings at the end of the first week.
First of all, you should not worry if you don't have any friends in your classes. Instead of thinking of this as the end of the world, think of it as an opportunity. An opportunity to meet new people and branch out from your circle of friends. If you're are scared to death of new people, and you think you'll never be able to meet new friends, read on! See, if you don't talk, people won't know that you like to (insert you favorite activity here) and they won't know if you share a common interest. So just go into each day with confidence and it'll work wonders.
Another helpful hint is that you should have fun in class without going crazy. Everyone loves a kid who's fun to be with, but not an obnoxious attention hog. So just be yourself! Don't act like a class clown and keep getting in trouble just to impress. And don't yell and cause drama so everyone else knows of your presence. Just be kind and friendly and you'll be fine.
Finally, don't change yourself to fit in with a group of kids. No one wants to be friends with someone who isn't their own person. You are an individual. That means you have your own opinions and ideas. So don't let someone change them or change your ideas just to fit in.
Well, I hope this helps! I know some people already know this stuff, but I thought it would be helpful (:

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hey everyone! It's August and you know what that means! Back to school! As much as I love Summer, I am definently excited about going back to school. There's something about the sound of the first school bell thats so amazing. Call me a nerd, but it's true. I have already bought supplies and clothes and I'm just waiting for the first day! Here are a few things I think everyone should have for back to school:
  • A spacious backpack. There's nothing worse than being trapped in a crowded hallway with a too-small backpack. Even worse, everything spilling out and getting them kicked around by your classmates. Think it couldn't happen to you? Well, better safe than sorry. I would recommend the Jansport backpacks. I have one and it works pretty well.
  • Another must is a pencil pouch. Don't worry about looking like a nerd. Trust me, the only one who cares is you. For guys I would buy a black or silver one with a lot of room for extra pencils and pens. Now, I personally use a small makeup bag. It has zippers and just enough room for everything I need. Not to mention it's super cute!
  • Now,if you're entering your first year of middle school a binder is a good thing to have. At Westside for 8th graders you are mostly doing things on your laptop, so a binder is kind of a waste of money. Just store extra papers in folders and the pocket in your laptop case.
  • Finally, I would suggest in investing in a good pair of gym shoes. Why buy a bunch of cheap shoes that will get ruined in a month or two. Buy a nice pair that you can wear for that whole year, and maybe even the next. I have a pair of Asics (I don't know how to spell the brand name) and they are still in great shape after more than a year of gym classes.
I hope that you guys all have a great school year! I know I will!! :)